Fresh Roast SR800 Automatic Roaster


The Freshest Brew in Town

Reviewing the Fresh Roast SR800 Automatic Coffee Roaster

By: James Butler        Revised by: Mark Cambell    Last updated: Feb 2, 2024

There is nothing quite like sipping a cup of hot java crafted from ingredients you roasted yourself just minutes ago. The complex flavors simply cannot be matched by store-bought grounds sitting on a shelf for who knows how long.

If the idea of mastering the art of the roast intrigues you but the complexity seems daunting, let me introduce you to a machine that takes the intimidation factor out of the process - the Fresh Roast SR800 Automatic Coffee Roaster. As its name implies, this nifty gadget does the roasting for you automatically, allowing you to focus on enjoying the rewards of your labor rather than stressing over the technical details.

The Fresh Roast SR800 has earned its reputation around the world as one of the best coffee roasters in the market for its easy-to-use design and consistently delicious results. But don't just take my word for it - let me share some first-hand experience using this versatile roaster along with reviews from others who are just as smitten. By the time you finish reading, I'm confident you'll be ready to get one for yourself!

Unboxing the SR800 is delightfully simple. Everything you need comes neatly packaged - the roaster, cooling tray, instruction manual, and sample packages of green beans to get you started. Assembly takes mere minutes. I had mine up and running before I finished my first cup of morning coffee!

The compact dimensions allow you to find a dedicated corner in your kitchen or garage without hogging valuable counter space. A built-in handle also makes carting it around for outdoor roasts a breeze. Portability is key for roasters, so kudos to Fresh Roast for considering our mobility needs.

With the roaster secured in place, loading up the bean hopper is next. Its extended capacity of 1.1 pounds means less refills when roasting larger batches. And a clear plastic lid provides full visibility of bean levels to monitor replenishing. Consideration for both functionality and convenience - this company clearly understands user experience!

From there it's simply a matter of choosing your preferred roast style and clocking in the timer. Each cycle removes the guesswork by taking the beans through the various phases - dry, first crack, second crack, cool down - completely automatically. Talk about set it and forget it ease! You're now just moments away from uncovering the riches within those little green orbs.

With the simple push of a button, the magical roast transformation begins. Through the glass panel you can watch as the beans somersault in the drum barrel. Their jade color gradually melts into golden browns and deep caramels. All the while, glorious aromas waft from the machine, transporting you to faraway coffee farms.

As first crack cracklings serenade your ears, it's hard not to feel like a roasting rockstar in your own kitchen. You coach the beans through each development phase, willing them toward sweet perfection. If only we could bottle the experience! Well, the roasted results come pretty darn close.

Once complete, the beans cascade seamlessly into the cooling tray below. From there they can slowly reset their internal temperatures without risk of additional cooking. Clever venting systems preserve all that complex flavor development you just coaxed from the grains.

With the touch of another button, cooling commences and you're transported back to the days of childhood snow days - magical anticipation of playing in the fluffy white stuff. Except now it's fluffy roasted coffee bits! The peaceful respite allows fragrant compounds to stabilize before revealing their riches. I say we all could use a little more down time in our days.

Finally comes the moment of truth - brewing your very first pot with the fruits of your labor. Though impatience got the best of me and I scooped a bean straight into my mouth. The intense cocoa and caramel bomb simply blew me away. That alone was worth the purchase price in my book.

The resulting cups showcase a depth and complexity totally different from anything store bought. Complex layers of flavor unfold with each thoughtful sip. Toffee sweetness melds into dried fruit, leads into mocha richness, and finishes with a whisper of toasted nuts. It's a symphony in a cup!

Friends and family also raved over my craft roasts. One declared it the best coffee she'd ever had. Considering her background in specialty cafes, that's high praise indeed. Even picky palates that usually doctor their cups conceded these brews required no doctoring. Perfection from bean to mug.

No longer will you settle for mediocre supermarket swill or overpriced commodities from trendy cafes. With the Fresh Roast SR800, gourmet coffee is yours to brew anytime, anywhere. The cost is pennies compared to daily shop purchases. Taste, savings, and creative fulfillment - what more could a coffee lover ask for?

Fresh Roast SR800 Automatic Roaster


- Automatic operation removes technique learning curve

- Consistent results every batch with five adjustable profiles

- Minimal maintenance - easy bean cleanout, no moving parts

- Compact design takes up minimal counter space

- Portability with integrated handle for outdoor roasting

- Large 1.1lb bean capacity and storage between batches

- Clever ventilation avoids scorching and preserves flavors

- Affordable price compared to larger commercial units

- Lifetime technical support from U.S. based manufacturer


- Small batch size may not satisfy large families/offices

- Non-removable drum may be harder to fully self-clean than commercial units